
Below is a list of the services we currently offer. If what you want isn't there, drop us a line at and we'll get back to you with some help or recommendations.

A Quip Question

This is a quick 'ask-us-our-advice' service. It's free and is there for you'd like some friendly advice.
The most common (and fun) question we get is 'My brand is X - how can social media help me?'
We'd like to point out that we don't have encyclopedic knowledge of the SM universe (that's what Google is for). But we have some great friends in techy places which means we should have most bases covered. We'd love to chat.

A Quip Job
£15 per account.

This is a service where we set up a Social Media account for you. We'll send you log-in details of your new account along with how-to guides and continue to offer quick-question support for a week after you have it live.

A Quip Consultation

Our most popular service: a brainstorming service. You present us with the layout of your business or the details of a particular campaign and we'll all throw some ideas around about the type of SM strategy to deploy. Once we've decided on a plan of action, we'll draw up a project management report for you (this is often combined with a Quip Stats package after your campaign to help you understand your results - see below).

Quip Stats
£15 per account

This is a cool little service that offers advice according to your SM analytics. If you're unsure what your reports are telling you about your SM strategy or your product, we can offer a little advice. We'll put together some notes on all of your stats and make some suggestions that could bring you more reward for your efforts.

Account Handling
£60 per account, per month. 3 months max. before review.

This is where we take over your Social Accounts for you leaving you free to concentrate on the mechanics of your business. This is a popular option for start-ups who lack initial man-power, companies run by media-phobes, and those undergoing restructuring/rebranding where, again, critical resources are temporarily directed elsewhere. Handling accounts remotely doesn't work for all companies. Lifestyle and Travel products are obvious examples. But there are often ways around this for a short period of time. If your company is in business, news or intellectual property then it's entirely possible. If you're unsure whether this will work for you, drop us a line at

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